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  • Branches: Payment reflects the full value of my services for those who move through the world with financial ease and access to make choices comfortably. If you are able to pay at this level, consider doing so as it allows me to offer my work to those with less resources.

  • Roots: Payment reflects a rate for those able to meet their needs with conscious budgeting for additional spending – like classes, eating out, travel, and coaching. If you need to spend more mindfully, consider this level as it allows me to sustain my work with those who have more financial limitations or struggles.


  • Seeds: Payment reflects a rate for those with limited access to resources where it may be a hardship to maintain basic needs – like housing, food, and health or child care.  If you would not be able to access this work without additional support, consider your willingness to invest and do the work as your valued contribution.

Pricing Options

Flexible Pay Rates 

  • Branches: $444 or $222 payment plan

  • Roots: $333 or $167 payment plan

  • Seeds: $222 or $111 payment plan


  • 2 months of Coaching meeting 3x per month = 6 calls total, 75 minutes each

  • Group Voxer support between sessions

  • Monthly payment plans available, due the 1st of the month

  • Special rates for separately scheduled individual or couples coaching sessions

A Note on Refunds: Transparency is important to me. I will show up authentically and ready to work with you and your experience, and I'm happy to answer your questions in advance. Once our work begins refunds will not be offered, and I trust we can discuss options and make any adjustments as needed. Thank you for understanding.

  • PayPal

  • Venmo - @Jennifer-Morrison-TWO-Trees

Choose your level and make your payment

Select what level best reflects your current situation

Belonging – Small Group Coaching

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